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The CloudQuery GitHub plugin extracts your GitHub API and loads it into any supported CloudQuery destination
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Github Repositories
The github_repositories table shows data for Github Repositories.
This table supports incremental syncing. Read more about incremental syncing here.
Primary Keys #
Name | Type |
id | int64 |
org | utf8 |
Incremental Sync Keys #
Name | Type |
updated_at | timestamp[us, tz=UTC] |
Columns #
Name | Type |
allow_auto_merge | bool |
allow_forking | bool |
allow_merge_commit | bool |
allow_rebase_merge | bool |
allow_squash_merge | bool |
allow_update_branch | bool |
archived | bool |
archive_url | utf8 |
assignees_url | utf8 |
auto_init | bool |
blobs_url | utf8 |
branches_url | utf8 |
clone_url | utf8 |
code_of_conduct | json |
collaborators_url | utf8 |
comments_url | utf8 |
commits_url | utf8 |
compare_url | utf8 |
contents_url | utf8 |
contributors_url | utf8 |
_cq_id | uuid |
_cq_parent_id | uuid |
created_at | timestamp[us, tz=UTC] |
default_branch | utf8 |
delete_branch_on_merge | bool |
deployments_url | utf8 |
description | utf8 |
disabled | bool |
downloads_url | utf8 |
events_url | utf8 |
fork | bool |
forks_count | int64 |
forks_url | utf8 |
full_name | utf8 |
git_commits_url | utf8 |
gitignore_template | utf8 |
git_refs_url | utf8 |
git_tags_url | utf8 |
git_url | utf8 |
has_discussions | bool |
has_downloads | bool |
has_issues | bool |
has_pages | bool |
has_projects | bool |
has_wiki | bool |
homepage | utf8 |
hooks_url | utf8 |
html_url | utf8 |
id | int64 |
issue_comment_url | utf8 |
issue_events_url | utf8 |
issues_url | utf8 |
is_template | bool |
keys_url | utf8 |
labels_url | utf8 |
language | utf8 |
languages_url | utf8 |
license | json |
license_template | utf8 |
master_branch | utf8 |
merge_commit_message | utf8 |
merge_commit_title | utf8 |
merges_url | utf8 |
milestones_url | utf8 |
mirror_url | utf8 |
name | utf8 |
network_count | int64 |
node_id | utf8 |
notifications_url | utf8 |
open_issues | int64 |
open_issues_count | int64 |
org | utf8 |
organization | json |
owner | json |
parent | json |
permissions | json |
private | bool |
pulls_url | utf8 |
pushed_at | timestamp[us, tz=UTC] |
releases_url | utf8 |
role_name | utf8 |
security_and_analysis | json |
size | int64 |
source | json |
squash_merge_commit_message | utf8 |
squash_merge_commit_title | utf8 |
ssh_url | utf8 |
stargazers_count | int64 |
stargazers_url | utf8 |
statuses_url | utf8 |
subscribers_count | int64 |
subscribers_url | utf8 |
subscription_url | utf8 |
svn_url | utf8 |
tags_url | utf8 |
team_id | int64 |
teams_url | utf8 |
template_repository | json |
text_matches | json |
topics | list<item: utf8, nullable> |
trees_url | utf8 |
updated_at | timestamp[us, tz=UTC] |
url | utf8 |
use_squash_pr_title_as_default | bool |
visibility | utf8 |
watchers | int64 |
watchers_count | int64 |
web_commit_signoff_required | bool |