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Sync from JFrog to any supported CloudQuery destination.



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Free while in preview

Overview #

CloudQuery Jfrog plugin pulls data from Artifactory and loads it into any supported CloudQuery destination.

Authentication #

In order to fetch information from JFrog Atifactory, cloudquery needs to be authenticated. An access or identity token is required for authentication (see spec.go). Most of the resources require Project Admin or equivalent of user assigned with the Administer the Platform role

JFrog Artifactory Plugin Configuration

Example #

This example syncs from Jfrog to a Postgres destination. The (top level) source spec section is described in the Source Spec Reference. Incremental syncing is enabled and will be saved to a cq_state_jfrog table by default.
kind: source
# Common source-plugin configuration
  name: jfrog
  path: cloudquery/jfrog
  version: "v1.0.5"
  tables: ["*"]
  destinations: ["postgresql"]
  # jfrog specific configuration
    url: "${JFROG_INSTANCE_URL}"
    token: "${JFROG_ACCESS_TOKEN}"
    # optional parameters
    # max_requestss_per_second: 35
    # enable_insecure_tls: true
    # concurrency: 100

Plugin Spec #

This is the spec used by jfrog source plugin.
  • url (string) (required)
    Your instance URL.
  • token (string) (required)
    Token for accessing your JFrog instance, either Access or Identity Token.
  • concurrency (integer) (optional) (default: 10)
    A best effort maximum number of Go routines to use. Lower this number to reduce memory usage.
  • max_requestss_per_second (integer) (optional) (default: 20)
    Maximum number of requests per second that the plugin can make to the JFrog instance. By default, it is set to 20.
  • enable_insecure_tls bool (optional)
    Enables analogical flag in the used JFrog Artifactory Clientm May be useful in case of self-hosted instances with certificates problems.
  • scheduler (string) (optional) (default: dfs)
    The scheduler to use when determining the priority of resources to sync. Supported values are dfs (depth-first search), round-robin, shuffle and shuffle-queue.
    For more information about this, see performance tuning.

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