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The CloudQuery Gandi plugin pulls configuration out of Gandi resources and loads it into any supported CloudQuery destination



Latest version




Date Published

Price per 1M rows

Starting from $15

monthly free quota

1M rows

Set up process #

brew install cloudquery/tap/cloudquery

1. Download CLI and login

See installation options

2. Create source and destination configs

Plugin configuration

cloudquery sync gandi.yml postgresql.yml

3. Run the sync

CloudQuery sync

Overview #

The CloudQuery Gandi plugin pulls configuration out of Gandi resources and loads it into any supported CloudQuery destination (e.g. PostgreSQL, BigQuery, Snowflake, and more).

Example Configuration #

kind: source
  name: gandi
  path: cloudquery/gandi
  registry: cloudquery
  version: "v4.5.1"
  tables: ["*"]
  destinations: ["postgresql"]

  # Learn more about the configuration options at
    # required
    api_key: "${GANDI_API_KEY}"

Authentication #

In order to fetch information from Gandi, cloudquery needs to be authenticated. An API key is required for authentication. Get your API key from Gandi's Account Settings Page.

Configuration Reference #

This is the (nested) spec used by the Gandi source plugin.
  • api_key (string) (required)
    An API key to access Gandi resources. This can be generated from Gandi's Account Settings Page.
  • sharing_id (string) (optional)
    This is your Gandi Organization ID if you wish to limit the queries to a specific Gandi org.
  • gandi_debug (bool) (optional) (default: false)
    Enables verbose logging of HTTP calls made by the underlying library.
  • endpoint_url (string, optional. Default:
    Endpoint URL to make the API requests to. To use the Gandi Sandbox API endpoint, set this to
  • timeout_secs (integer as seconds) (optional) (default: 300)
    Default timeout for each API request. Defaults to 5 minutes.
  • concurrency (integer) (optional) (default: 1000)
    A best effort maximum number of Go routines to use. Lower this number to reduce memory usage.
  • scheduler (string, optional, default: dfs)
    The scheduler to use when determining the priority of resources to sync. Supported values are dfs (depth-first search), round-robin, shuffle and shuffle-queue.
    For more information about this, see performance tuning.

Query Examples #

Detect domain registrations that will expire soon #

select fqdn, dates->>'registry_ends_at' as registry_ends_at, date_trunc('day', (dates->>'registry_ends_at')::timestamp - current_timestamp) as days_left from gandi_domains where ((dates->>'registry_ends_at')::timestamp - interval '90 day') < current_timestamp order by 1;

Get domains in Gandi LiveDNS #

select fqdn, current, nameservers from gandi_domain_live_dns order by 1;

Get a list of glue records #

select fqdn, name, ips from gandi_domain_glue_records order by 1, 2;

Get list of LiveDNS domains which don't have automatic snapshots enabled #

select d.fqdn from gandi_livedns_domains d left join gandi_livedns_snapshots s on s.fqdn=d.fqdn and s.automatic where s.fqdn is null;

Inspect LiveDNS snapshots for a given domain #

select count(1) as number_of_snapshots, max(created_at) as last_snapshot_at from gandi_livedns_snapshots where fqdn = '';

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