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Facebook Marketing
The Facebook Marketing source plugin for CloudQuery extracts information from the Facebook marketing API
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Facebook Marketing Ad Accounts
The facebookmarketing_adaccounts table shows data for Facebook Marketing Ad Accounts.
Primary Keys #
Name | Type |
id | utf8 |
Columns #
Name | Type |
account_id | utf8 |
account_status | int64 |
age | float64 |
agency_client_declaration | json |
amount_spent | utf8 |
attribution_spec | json |
balance | utf8 |
business | json |
business_city | utf8 |
business_country_code | utf8 |
business_name | utf8 |
business_state | utf8 |
business_street | utf8 |
business_street2 | utf8 |
business_zip | utf8 |
can_create_brand_lift_study | bool |
capabilities | list<item: utf8, nullable> |
_cq_id | uuid |
_cq_parent_id | uuid |
created_time | timestamp[us, tz=UTC] |
currency | utf8 |
disable_reason | int64 |
end_advertiser | utf8 |
end_advertiser_name | utf8 |
extended_credit_invoice_group | json |
failed_delivery_checks | json |
fb_entity | int64 |
funding_source | utf8 |
funding_source_details | json |
has_advertiser_opted_in_odax | bool |
has_migrated_permissions | bool |
id | utf8 |
io_number | utf8 |
is_attribution_spec_system_default | bool |
is_direct_deals_enabled | bool |
is_in_3ds_authorization_enabled_market | bool |
is_notifications_enabled | bool |
is_personal | int64 |
is_prepay_account | bool |
is_tax_id_required | bool |
line_numbers | list<item: int64, nullable> |
media_agency | utf8 |
min_campaign_group_spend_cap | utf8 |
min_daily_budget | int64 |
name | utf8 |
offsite_pixels_tos_accepted | bool |
owner | utf8 |
partner | utf8 |
rf_spec | json |
spend_cap | utf8 |
tax_id | utf8 |
tax_id_status | int64 |
tax_id_type | utf8 |
timezone_id | int64 |
timezone_name | utf8 |
timezone_offset_hours_utc | float64 |
tos_accepted | json |
user_tasks | list<item: utf8, nullable> |
user_tos_accepted | json |