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AWS Pricing

The AWS Pricing Source plugin for CloudQuery extracts data from the AWS Bulk Pricing Service and loads it into any supported CloudQuery destination



Latest version




Date Published

Price per 1M rows

Starting from $15

monthly free quota

1M rows

Set up process #

brew install cloudquery/tap/cloudquery

1. Download CLI and login

See installation options

2. Create source and destination configs

Plugin configuration

cloudquery sync awspricing.yml postgresql.yml

3. Run the sync

CloudQuery sync

Overview #

AWS Pricing Source Plugin

The AWS Pricing Source plugin for CloudQuery extracts data from the AWS Bulk Pricing Service and loads it into any supported CloudQuery destination (e.g. PostgreSQL, BigQuery, Snowflake, and more).

Configuration #

The following configuration syncs from AWS Pricing service to a Postgres destination. The (top level) source spec section is described in the Source Spec Reference. The config for the postgresql destination is not shown here. See our Quickstart if you need help setting up the destination.
There is no connection string or credentials required to sync this data as all data is publicly available at
kind: source
  name: "awspricing"
  path: "cloudquery/awspricing"
  registry: "cloudquery"
  version: "v4.4.0"
  tables: ["*"]
    - "postgresql"
    # Optional parameters
    # region_codes: []
    # offer_codes: []
    # concurrency: 10000

AWS Pricing Spec #

This is the (nested) spec used by the AWS Pricing source plugin.
  • concurrency (int) (default: 10000):
    A best effort maximum number of Go routines to use. Lower this number to reduce memory usage.
  • region_codes ([]string) (default: empty. Will sync data for all regions)
    Specify which region_codes to sync data for. No regular expressions are supported, matches must be an exact match Note: This is not just AWS Commercial regions. It includes Wavelength Zones and regions in other partitions (Gov Cloud and China).
  • offer_codes ([]string) (default: empty. Will sync data for all services)
    Specify which services to sync data for. Regular expressions are not supported: matches must be exact. Note: This is a unique code for the product of an AWS service. For example, AmazonEC2, AmazonS3 or comprehend.