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Microsoft SQL Server

This destination plugin lets you sync data from a CloudQuery source to a Microsoft SQL Server compatible database. This includes both Microsoft SQL Server and Azure SQL Server.


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Overview #

Microsoft SQL Server destination plugin

This destination plugin lets you sync data from a CloudQuery source to a Microsoft SQL Server compatible database. This includes both Microsoft SQL Server and Azure SQL Server.
Supported database versions:
  • Microsoft SQL Server >= 2019
  • Azure SQL Database >= 2019

Configuration #

Microsoft SQL Server destination plugin configuration reference

Example Configuration #

kind: destination
  name: "mssql"
  path: "cloudquery/mssql"
  registry: "cloudquery"
  version: "v5.0.4"
    # Connection string in the format `server=localhost;user id=SA;password=yourStrongP@ssword;port=1433;database=cloudquery;`
    connection_string: "${MSSQL_CONNECTION_STRING}"
    # Optional parameters:
    # auth_mode: ms
    # schema: dbo
    # batch_size: 1000 # 1K entries
    # batch_size_bytes: 5242880 # 5 MiB
    # batch_timeout: 20s
The Microsoft SQL Server destination utilizes batching, and supports batch_size and batch_size_bytes.

Microsoft SQL Server spec #

This is the (nested) spec used by the Microsoft SQL Server destination plugin.
  • connection_string (string) (required)
    Connection string to connect to the database. See SDK documentation for details.
    Example connection strings:
    • "sqlserver://username:password@hostname/instance" basic connection using a named instance
    • "sqlserver://username:password@localhost?database=master&connection+timeout=30" select "master" database and set connection timeout (default instance)
  • auth_mode (string) (optional) (default: ms)
If you need to authenticate via Azure Active Directory ensure you specify azure value. See SDK documentation for more information. Supported values:
- `ms` _connect to Microsoft SQL Server instance_
- `azure` _connect to Azure SQL Server instance_
  • schema (string) (optional) (default: dbo)
    Schema name to be used. By default, Microsoft SQL Server destination plugin will use the default schema named dbo.
  • batch_size (integer) (optional) (default: 1000)
    Maximum amount of items that may be grouped together to be written in a single write.
  • batch_size_bytes (integer) (optional) (default: 5242880 (= 5 MiB))
    Maximum size of items that may be grouped together to be written in a single write.
  • batch_timeout (duration) (optional) (default: 20s (= 20 seconds))
    Maximum interval between batch writes.

Verbose logging for debug #

The Microsoft SQL Server destination can be run in debug mode. To achieve this pass the log option to connection_string. See SDK documentation for more details.
Note: This will use SDK built-in logging and might output data and sensitive information to logs. Make sure not to use it in production environment.
kind: destination
  name:     "mssql"
  path:     "cloudquery/mssql"
  registry:   "cloudquery"
  version:  "v5.0.4"

    connection_string: "${MSSQL_CONNECTION_STRING};log=255"

Example #

Microsoft SQL Server destination plugin example

In this article we will show you a simple example of configuring Microsoft SQL Server destination plugin.

Prerequisites #

In order to be able to sync to Microsoft SQL Server you will need a running installation. We will be using the quickstart guide for running Microsoft SQL Server locally using Docker.

Create admin password for Microsoft SQL Server #

Microsoft SQL Server enforces password complexity. In order to successfully run the database you must specify a password that adheres the policy described here.
For this example we will be using yourStrongP@ssword as a password.

Start Microsoft SQL Server locally #

docker run \
  -e "ACCEPT_EULA=Y" \
  -e "MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD=yourStrongP@ssword" \
  -p 1433:1433 \
  -d \

Create database to sync to #

We will be using cloudquery for database name in this example.
docker exec $(docker ps -alq) \
  /opt/mssql-tools/bin/sqlcmd \
  -U "SA" \
  -P "yourStrongP@ssword" \
  -Q "CREATE DATABASE cloudquery;"
Note: docker ps -alq returns container ID for the latest started container. You can use container ID discovered manually via docker ps output instead.

Configure Microsoft SQL Server destination plugin #

Once you've completed the steps from Prerequisites section you should be able to connect to the local cloudquery Microsoft SQL Server database via the following connection string:
server=localhost;user id=SA;password=yourStrongP@ssword;port=1433;database=cloudquery;
The (top level) spec section is described in the Destination Spec Reference. The full configuration for Microsoft SQL Server destination plugin will look like this:
kind: destination
  name: "mssql"
  path: "cloudquery/mssql"
  registry: "cloudquery"
  version: "v5.0.4"

    connection_string: "server=localhost;user id=SA;password=yourStrongP@ssword;port=1433;database=cloudquery;"

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