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Google Cloud Storage

This destination plugin lets you sync data from a CloudQuery source to remote GCS (Google Cloud Storage) storage in various formats such as CSV, JSON and Parquet


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Overview #

GCS (Google Cloud Storage) Destination Plugin

This destination plugin lets you sync data from a CloudQuery source to remote GCS (Google Cloud Storage) storage in various formats such as CSV, JSON and Parquet.
This is useful in various use-cases, especially in data lakes where you can query the data direct from Athena or load it to various data warehouses such as BigQuery, RedShift, Snowflake and others.

Example #

This example configures a GCS destination, to create CSV files in gcs://bucket_name/path/to/files.
kind: destination
  name: "gcs"
  path: "cloudquery/gcs"
  registry: "cloudquery"
  version: "v5.2.2"
  write_mode: "append"
    bucket: "bucket_name"
    path: "path/to/files/{{TABLE}}/{{UUID}}.{{FORMAT}}"
    format: "parquet" # options: parquet, json, csv
      # CSV specific parameters:
      # delimiter: ","
      # skip_header: false
      # Parquet specific parameters:
      # version: "v2Latest"
      # root_repetition: "repeated"

    # Optional parameters
    # compression: "" # options: gzip
    # no_rotate: false
    # batch_size: 10000
    # batch_size_bytes: 52428800 # 50 MiB
    # batch_timeout: 30s
Note that the GCS plugin only supports append write_mode. The (top level) spec section is described in the Destination Spec Reference.
The GCS destination utilizes batching, and supports batch_size, batch_size_bytes and batch_timeout options (see below).

GCS Spec #

This is the (nested) spec used by the CSV destination Plugin.
  • bucket (string) (required)
    Bucket where to sync the files.
  • path (string) (required)
    Path to where the files will be uploaded in the above bucket, for example path/to/files/{{TABLE}}/{{UUID}}.parquet.
    If no path variables are present, the path will be appended with TABLE, FORMAT and Compression extension by default.
    The path supports the following placeholder variables:
    • {{TABLE}} will be replaced with the table name
    • {{SYNC_ID}} will be replaced with the unique identifier of the sync. This value is a UUID and is randomly generated for each sync.
    • {{FORMAT}} will be replaced with the file format, such as csv, json or parquet. If compression is enabled, the format will be csv.gz, json.gz etc.
    • {{UUID}} will be replaced with a random UUID to uniquely identify each file
    • {{YEAR}} will be replaced with the current year in YYYY format
    • {{MONTH}} will be replaced with the current month in MM format
    • {{DAY}} will be replaced with the current day in DD format
    • {{HOUR}} will be replaced with the current hour in HH format
    • {{MINUTE}} will be replaced with the current minute in mm format
  • format (string) (required)
    Format of the output file. Supported values are csv, json and parquet.
  • format_spec (format_spec) (optional)
    Optional parameters to change the format of the file.
  • compression (string) (optional) (default: empty)
    Compression algorithm to use. Supported values are empty or gzip. Not supported for parquet format.
  • no_rotate (boolean) (optional) (default: false)
    If set to true, the plugin will write to one file per table. Otherwise, for every batch a new file will be created with a different .<UUID> suffix.
  • batch_size (integer) (optional) (default: 10000)
    Number of records to write before starting a new object.
  • batch_size_bytes (integer) (optional) (default: 52428800 (50 MiB))
    Number of bytes (as Arrow buffer size) to write before starting a new object.
  • batch_timeout (duration) (optional) (default: 30s (30 seconds))
    Maximum interval between batch writes.

format_spec #

  • delimiter (string) (optional) (default: ,)
    Delimiter to use in the CSV file.
  • skip_header (boolean) (optional) (default: false)
    If set to true, the CSV file will not contain a header row as the first row.
Reserved for future use.
  • version (string) (optional) (default: v2Latest)
    Parquet format version to use. Supported values are v1.0, v2.4, v2.6 and v2Latest. v2Latest is an alias for the latest version available in the Parquet library which is currently v2.6.
    Useful when the reader consuming the Parquet files does not support the latest version.
  • root_repetition (string) (optional) (default: repeated)
    Repetition option to use for the root node. Supported values are undefined, required, optional and repeated.
    Some Parquet readers require a specific root repetition option to be able to read the file. For example, importing Parquet files into Snowflake requires the root repetition to be undefined.

Authentication #

The GCS plugin authenticates using your Application Default Credentials. Available options are all the same options described here in detail:
Local Environment:
  • gcloud auth application-default login (recommended when running locally)
Google Cloud cloud-based development environment:
  • When you run on Cloud Shell or Cloud Code credentials are already available.
Google Cloud containerized environment:
  • Services such as Compute Engine, App Engine and functions supporting attaching a user-managed service account which will CloudQuery will be able to utilize.
On-premises or another cloud provider
  • The suggested way is to use Workload identity federation
  • If not available you can always use service account keys and export the location of the key via GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS. (Not recommended as long-lived keys are a security risk)