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The BigQuery plugin syncs data from any CloudQuery source plugin(s) to a BigQuery database running on Google Cloud Platform


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Overview #

BigQuery Destination Plugin

The BigQuery plugin syncs data from any CloudQuery source plugin(s) to a BigQuery database running on Google Cloud Platform.
The plugin currently only supports a streaming mode through the legacy streaming API. This is suitable for small- to medium-sized datasets, and will stream the results directly to the BigQuery database. A batch mode of operation is being developed to support larger datasets, but this is not currently supported.

Before you begin #

  1. Make sure that billing is enabled for your Cloud project. Learn how to check if billing is enabled on a project.
  2. Create a BigQuery dataset that will contain the tables synced by CloudQuery. CloudQuery will automatically create the tables as part of a migration run on the first sync.
  3. Ensure that you have write access to the dataset. See Required Permissions for details.

Example config #

kind: destination
  name: bigquery
  path: cloudquery/bigquery
  registry: cloudquery
  version: "v4.1.8"
  write_mode: "append"
  # Learn more about the configuration options at
    project_id: ${PROJECT_ID}
    dataset_id: ${DATASET_ID}
    # Optional parameters
    # dataset_location: ""
    # time_partitioning: none # options: "none", "hour", "day"
    # service_account_key_json: ""
    # endpoint: ""
    # batch_size: 10000
    # batch_size_bytes: 5242880 # 5 MiB
    # batch_timeout: 10s
This example above expects the following environment variables to be set:
  • PROJECT_ID - The Google Cloud Project ID
  • DATASET_ID - The Google Cloud BigQuery Dataset ID
The BigQuery destination utilizes batching, and supports batch_size and batch_size_bytes.
Note that the BigQuery plugin only supports the append write mode.

Authentication #

The BigQuery plugin authenticates using your Application Default Credentials. Available options are all the same options described here in detail:
Local Environment:
  • gcloud auth application-default login (recommended when running locally)
Google Cloud cloud-based development environment:
  • When you run on Cloud Shell or Cloud Code credentials are already available.
Google Cloud containerized environment:
  • Services such as Compute Engine, App Engine and functions supporting attaching a user-managed service account which will CloudQuery will be able to utilize.
On-premises or another cloud provider
  • The suggested way is to use Workload identity federation
  • If not available you can always use service account keys and export the location of the key via GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS. (Not recommended as long-lived keys are a security risk)

BigQuery Spec #

This is the top-level spec used by the BigQuery destination plugin.
  • project_id (string) (required)
    The id of the project where the destination BigQuery database resides.
  • dataset_id (string) (required)
The name of the BigQuery dataset within the project, e.g. my_dataset. This dataset needs to be created before running a sync or migration.
  • dataset_location (string) (optional)
The data location of the BigQuery dataset. If set, will be used as the default location for job operations. Pro-tip: this can solve "dataset not found" issues for newly created datasets.
  • time_partitioning (string) (options: none, hour, day) (default: none)
The time partitioning to use when creating tables. The partition time column used will always be _cq_sync_time so that all rows for a sync run will be partitioned on the hour/day the sync started.
  • service_account_key_json (string) (optional) (default: empty).
    GCP service account key content. This allows for using different service accounts for the GCP source and BigQuery destination. If using service account keys, it is best to use environment or file variable substitution.
  • endpoint (string) (optional)
    The BigQuery API endpoint to use. This is useful for testing against a local emulator.
  • batch_size (integer) (optional) (default: 10000)
    Number of records to write before starting a new object.
  • batch_size_bytes (integer) (optional) (default: 5242880 (5 MiB))
    Number of bytes (as Arrow buffer size) to write before starting a new object.
  • batch_timeout (duration) (optional) (default: 10s (10 seconds))
    Maximum interval between batch writes.

Underlying library #

We use the official package for database connection.

Types #

BigQuery Types

The BigQuery destination (v3.0.0 and later) supports most Apache Arrow types. The following table shows the supported types and how they are mapped to BigQuery data types.
Arrow Column TypeSupported?BigQuery Type
Binary✅ YesBYTES
Boolean✅ YesBOOL
Date32✅ YesDATE
Date64✅ YesDATE
Dense Union❌ No
Dictionary❌ No
Duration✅ YesINT64
Fixed Size List✅ Yes(Repeated column) †
Float16✅ YesFLOAT64
Float32✅ YesFLOAT64
Float64✅ YesFLOAT64
Int8✅ YesINT64
Int16✅ YesINT64
Int32✅ YesINT64
Int64✅ YesINT64
Interval[DayTime]✅ YesRECORD<days: INT64, milliseconds: INT64>
Interval[MonthDayNano]✅ YesRECORD<months: INT64, days: int64, nanoseconds: int64>
Interval[Month]✅ YesRECORD<months: INT64>
Large Binary✅ YesBYTES
Large List✅ Yes(Repeated column) †
Large String✅ YesSTRING
List✅ Yes(Repeated column) †
Map❌ No
String✅ YesSTRING
Struct✅ YesRECORD
Timestamp✅ YesTIMESTAMP
Uint8✅ YesINT64
Uint16✅ YesINT64
Uint32✅ YesINT64
Uint64✅ YesNUMERIC
Union❌ No

Notes #

† Repeated columns in BigQuery do not support null values. Right now, if an array contains null values, these null values will be dropped when writing to BigQuery. Also, because we use REPEATED columns to represent lists, lists of lists are not supported right now.