Export from Fastly to Microsoft SQL Server
CloudQuery is an open-source data integration platform that allows you to export data from any source to any destination.
The CloudQuery Fastly plugin allows you to sync data from Fastly to any destination, including Microsoft SQL Server. It takes only minutes to get started.
The CloudQuery Fastly plugin reads information from your Fastly account(s) and loads it into any supported CloudQuery destination
Microsoft SQL Server
This destination plugin lets you sync data from a CloudQuery source to a Microsoft SQL Server compatible database. This includes both Microsoft SQL Server and Azure SQL Server.
Table of Contents
MacOS Setup
Step 1. Install CloudQuery
brew install cloudquery/tap/cloudquery
Step 2. Log in to CloudQuery CLI
cloudquery login
Step 3. Configure Fastly source plugin
You can find more information about the configuration in the plugin documentation
kind: source
name: fastly
path: cloudquery/fastly
registry: cloudquery
version: "v4.5.3"
tables: ["*"]
destinations: ["v4.7.6"]
# Fastly specific configuration
# Learn more about the configuration options at https://cql.ink/fastly_source
fastly_api_key: ${FASTLY_API_TOKEN}
# services: ["1234567890abcdefghijkl", "0987654321mnopqrstuvwx"]
# concurrency: 10000
Step 4. Configure Microsoft SQL Server destination plugin
You can find more information about the configuration in the plugin documentation
kind: destination
name: "mssql"
path: "cloudquery/mssql"
registry: "cloudquery"
version: "v4.7.6"
# Connection string in the format `server=localhost;user id=SA;password=yourStrongP@ssword;port=1433;database=cloudquery;`
connection_string: "${MSSQL_CONNECTION_STRING}"
# Optional parameters:
# auth_mode: ms
# schema: dbo
# batch_size: 1000 # 1K entries
# batch_size_bytes: 5242880 # 5 MiB
# batch_timeout: 20s
Step 5. Run Sync
cloudquery sync fastly.yml mssql.yml